Prayer Times
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أحاديث السفر

للإمام الحافظ

أبي اليُمن عَبْدِ الصَّمَدِ بْنِ عَبْدِ الوهاب بن عساكر

المتوفى سنة 686 هـ


رياض حسين الطائي

دار المغني


الطبعة الأولى

1425 هـ - 2004 م

The Noble Quran - Quran translation

«Allah has revealed (from time to time) the most beautiful Message in the form of a Book, consistent with itself, (yet) repeating (its teaching in various aspects): the skins of those who fear their Lord tremble thereat; then their skins and their hearts do soften to the celebration of Allah's praises. Such is the guidance of Allah: He guides therewith whom He pleases, but such as Allah leaves to stray, can have none to guide.»

Surah Az-Zumar