Prayer Times

فيلم الحج -1432 هـ - دليل الحاج والمعتمر

Video description

فيلم إرشادي عن جميع مناسك الحج والعمرة وزيارة المسجد النبوي

Video details

Video title: فيلم الحج -1432 هـ - دليل الحاج والمعتمر
Loaded by: Hajjonalislam
Published date: 09 Nov 2011
Video duration: 0:42:31
Total views: 22008
Total likes: 81
Total dislikes: 8
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The Noble Quran - Quran translation

«They (the satans) give ear eagerly (to the conversations of the angels, and whisper to every forger lost in sin as if they received something), but they (both the satans and their sinful agents) are liars in most of their words.»

Surah Ash-Shu'ara