Prayer Times

Name and Meaning

Name "Rahman" is a baby Boy Name. The meaning of this name is "Compassionate, merciful; referring to qualities of God listed in the Quran" and its origin is muslim name. 53 peoples rated this name for an average of 3/5.
Gender: Boy

Arabic Name: رحمٰن

Name meaning: Compassionate, merciful; referring to qualities of God listed in the Quran
Origin: muslim
Rating: 3/5 (53 votes)

The Noble Quran - Quran translation

«It is these people on whom Allâh did bestow His blessings. They were all Prophets. They were of the posterity of Adam and of those whom We carried (in the Ark) with Noah. Some of them were of the posterity of Abraham and Israel, and of those whom We guided and chose. They would fall prostrating (glorifying God) and weeping when the Messages of the Most Gracious (Lord) were recited to them. [Prostration]»

Surah Maryam