Prayer Times

Girls Baby Name

Meaning of the name Yasmina :
A beautiful flower that shines.
Meaning of the name Yasna :
It means white rose in arabic.
Meaning of the name Yumn :
Good fortune, success
Meaning of the name Yumna :
Good fortune, success.
Meaning of the name Yusayrah :
Easy. One of the first two swear allegiance (bayah) to the Prophet (S.A.W) among the Ansar (but it is also said that she was among the Muhajirs (Emigrants).

The Noble Quran - Quran translation

«If you are in a situation that cannot properly worship the Lord, say your prayers while walking or riding. Later, make up those lost prayers in a manner that God has taught you [the best way of worshipping the Lord] and you did not know it before.»

Surah Al-Baqara