Prayer Times

Name and Meaning

Name "Wafiq, Wafeeq" is a baby Boy Name. The meaning of this name is "Successful" and its origin is muslim name. 31 peoples rated this name for an average of 1/5.
Gender: Boy

Arabic Name: وفيق

Name meaning: Successful
Origin: muslim
Rating: 1/5 (31 votes)

The Noble Quran - Quran translation

«Those who abstain from the greater transgressions that deplete the communal energy, and from shameful deeds and stinginess, even though they may sometimes waver, behold, your Lord is Immense in absolving their imperfections. He knows you best since He brings you into being from the earth, and when you were still hidden in the bellies of your mothers? Therefore, claim not piety for yourselves. He knows best as to who walks aright.»

Surah An-Najm