Prayer Times

Boy Baby Name

Meaning of the name Yaseen :
YASIN, ALIF LAAM MEEM, HA MEEM AIN SEEN KAAF are all Huroof-e-Muqataat. Only Allah or His Prophet know the meaning of these haroof, but all these huroof are the most precious words for a muslim.
Meaning of the name Yasin, Yaseen :
The two opening letters of Surah 36 in the Quran; one of the Prophets names
Meaning of the name Yathrib :
Former name of the city of Madinnah.
Meaning of the name Youssef, Yusef, Yusuf :
To increase (in power and influence); a Prophets name (Joseph)
Meaning of the name Yuhannis :
The name of a freed salve of Zubair.

The Noble Quran - Quran translation

«The skies/space the seven, and the earth/Planet Earth, they praise/glorify to Him, and who (is) in them, and that (E) (there is not) from a thing except (it) praises/glorifies with His praise/gratitude/thanks, and but you do not understand their praise/glorification, that He was/is clement/patient powerful and capable, a forgiving.»

Surah Al-Isra