Prayer Times

Boy Baby Name

Meaning of the name Yaseen :
YASIN, ALIF LAAM MEEM, HA MEEM AIN SEEN KAAF are all Huroof-e-Muqataat. Only Allah or His Prophet know the meaning of these haroof, but all these huroof are the most precious words for a muslim.
Meaning of the name Yasin, Yaseen :
The two opening letters of Surah 36 in the Quran; one of the Prophets names
Meaning of the name Yathrib :
Former name of the city of Madinnah.
Meaning of the name Youssef, Yusef, Yusuf :
To increase (in power and influence); a Prophets name (Joseph)
Meaning of the name Yuhannis :
The name of a freed salve of Zubair.

The Noble Quran - Quran translation

«in order that the hearts of those who do not believe in the life to come might incline towards those suggestions and, being pleased, persist in their sinful ways.»

Surah Al-An'am