Prayer Times
Friday 8 Rabi' al-Thani 1446
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Country: United States
Location: Fairfield, Connecticut, United States 06828
Time zone: GMT -5
Daylight saving time (DST): Yes
Calculation method: Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)
Location: Fairfield, Connecticut, United States 06828
Time zone: GMT -5
Daylight saving time (DST): Yes
Calculation method: Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)
Prayer Times Fairfield, Connecticut, United States 06828
Date | Fajr | Sunrise | Dhuhr | Asr | Sunset | Maghrib | Isha |
Today | 05:45 | 07:01 | 12:40 | 15:48 | 18:18 | 18:18 | 19:33 |
Oct 12 | 05:46 | 07:02 | 12:39 | 15:46 | 18:16 | 18:16 | 19:32 |
Oct 13 | 05:47 | 07:03 | 12:39 | 15:45 | 18:15 | 18:15 | 19:30 |
Oct 14 | 05:48 | 07:04 | 12:39 | 15:44 | 18:13 | 18:13 | 19:29 |
Oct 15 | 05:50 | 07:05 | 12:39 | 15:43 | 18:11 | 18:11 | 19:27 |
Oct 16 | 05:51 | 07:06 | 12:38 | 15:42 | 18:10 | 18:10 | 19:26 |
Oct 17 | 05:52 | 07:07 | 12:38 | 15:40 | 18:08 | 18:08 | 19:24 |
Prayer times are updated each day automatically.
Qibla Direction Fairfield, Connecticut, United States 06828
58.96 °
Degrees from North Clocklwise
10239.67 km
Kilometers from Kaaba
Tip: To find Qibla direction from your house, try to enter your full address in the search box, when found just zoom on the map until you recognise any building, road, park and so, on which the red line is crossing.
The Noble Quran - Quran translation
«But for God’s grace and favor upon you and His mercy, one party of them determined to mislead you, yet they mislead none but themselves, and cannot harm you in any way. (How could they do so, seeing that) God has sent down on you the Book and the Wisdom, and taught you what you did not know. God’s grace and favor upon you is tremendous indeed.»
Surah An-Nisa