Prayer Times
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جزء فيه ما انتقى

أبوبكر أحمد بن موسى

ابن مردويه

(323 - 410هـ)

على أبي القاسم سليمان بن أحمد بن أيوب


(260 - 360هـ)

من حديثه لأهل البصرة

حققه وخرج أحاديثه

بدر بن عبد الله البدر

أضواء السلف

الطبعة الأولى

1420 هـ - 2000 م

The Noble Quran - Quran translation

«Why should I fear those whom you have associated (with Allah in His divinity) when you do not fear associating others with Allah in His divinity - something for which He has sent down to you no authority. Then, which of the two parties has better title to security? Tell us, if you have any knowledge!»

Surah Al-An'am