Prayer Times
Saturday 18 Rajab 1446
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Country: United States
Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States 02139
Time zone: GMT -5
Daylight saving time (DST): No
Calculation method: Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)
Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States 02139
Time zone: GMT -5
Daylight saving time (DST): No
Calculation method: Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)
Prayer Times Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States 02139
Date | Fajr | Sunrise | Dhuhr | Asr | Sunset | Maghrib | Isha |
Today | 05:47 | 07:09 | 11:55 | 14:21 | 16:41 | 16:41 | 18:03 |
Jan 19 | 05:47 | 07:09 | 11:55 | 14:22 | 16:42 | 16:42 | 18:04 |
Jan 20 | 05:46 | 07:08 | 11:56 | 14:23 | 16:44 | 16:44 | 18:05 |
Jan 21 | 05:46 | 07:07 | 11:56 | 14:24 | 16:45 | 16:45 | 18:06 |
Jan 22 | 05:45 | 07:07 | 11:56 | 14:25 | 16:46 | 16:46 | 18:08 |
Jan 23 | 05:45 | 07:06 | 11:56 | 14:26 | 16:47 | 16:47 | 18:09 |
Jan 24 | 05:44 | 07:05 | 11:57 | 14:28 | 16:49 | 16:49 | 18:10 |
Prayer times are updated each day automatically.
Qibla Direction Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States 02139
60.4 °
Degrees from North Clocklwise
10016.03 km
Kilometers from Kaaba
Tip: To find Qibla direction from your house, try to enter your full address in the search box, when found just zoom on the map until you recognise any building, road, park and so, on which the red line is crossing.
The Noble Quran - Quran translation
«Verily those who disbelieve-neither their riches nor their offspring shall avail them aught with Allah. and these! they shall be the fuel of the Fire.»
Surah Al-i-Imran