Prayer Times

تلاوة مرئية يجعلك في عالم آخر للقارئ " شيخ أبو بكر الشاطري " سورة اﻷنبياء HD في كندا 1437

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Video title: تلاوة مرئية يجعلك في عالم آخر للقارئ " شيخ أبو بكر الشاطري " سورة اﻷنبياء HD في كندا 1437
Loaded by: تلاوات خاشعة
Published date: 01 Mar 2016
Video duration: 0:11:41
Total views: 606038
Total likes: 10694
Total dislikes: 236
Total favorites: 0
Total comments: 897

The Noble Quran - Quran translation

«Beware! sincere and true obedience is due to Allâh alone. Those who choose others as a patron beside Him (say), `We serve them only that they may bring us near to Allâh in station.' (It is absolutely wrong.) Allâh will judge the differences between these (believers and disbelievers). Indeed, Allâh does not guide him to success who is a liar, highly ungrateful.»

Surah Az-Zumar