Prayer Times

Name and Meaning

Meaning of the name Yaminah :
Right and proper; blessed
Meaning of the name Yaqub :
A Prophets name (Jacob)
Meaning of the name Yaseen :
YASIN, ALIF LAAM MEEM, HA MEEM AIN SEEN KAAF are all Huroof-e-Muqataat. Only Allah or His Prophet know the meaning of these haroof, but all these huroof are the most precious words for a muslim.
Meaning of the name Yasin, Yaseen :
The two opening letters of Surah 36 in the Quran; one of the Prophets names

The Noble Quran - Quran translation

«They (the satans) give ear eagerly (to the conversations of the angels, and whisper to every forger lost in sin as if they received something), but they (both the satans and their sinful agents) are liars in most of their words.»

Surah Ash-Shu'ara